Disclaimer and Terms of Use

The following Terms of Use apply exclusively to the access and use of our website and the use of the information, offers and materials contained therein, unless otherwise expressly regulated in these Terms of Use or at the appropriate place on our website.

Where reference is made to "Vlieseline" in the following, this concerns the Freudenberg Group, in particular Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel GmbH & Co. KG.


1. Information and Downloads

The information provided on our website, regardless of whether it originates from us direct or from third parties (cf. Clause 4 below), is all provided without claiming to be correct, complete or up-to-date.

Where this website makes documents available for downloading, the following separate conditions shall also apply:

Anyone shall be entitled to view, copy, print and/or distribute these documents provided that this is only and exclusively carried out for non-commercial informational purposes. Commercial use of the documents, copies, prints and/or other reproductions is not permitted. Each copy and/or each print of a document or a part thereof shall contain an adequate copyright notice recognisably indicating the name of the copyright holder and the correct URL/Internet address as its source. Vlieseline retains the right to revoke this authorisation at any time without giving any reason. In this case any use shall immediately be discontinued as soon as written revocation has been received.
The conditions defined in Clause 4 shall also apply to the use of the dealer section of our website.


2. Copyright and Trademarks

The contents of this website and the documents made available for downloading are all protected by copyright. Any use and/or exploitation shall be prohibited without the prior written approval of Vlieseline unless otherwise regulated in these Terms of Use or at the appropriate place on our website. This shall also apply in particular for editing, processing, translating, copying, printing and permanent saving of any kind or any other reproduction.

Vlieseline endeavours to observe copyrights valid in all the information and documents made available. Should a copyright infringement nevertheless occur, Vlieseline will, subsequent to written notification, take all the steps necessary to ensure that further infringement of such copyright is prevented.

All trademarks and brand names stated on the website and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the respectively valid copyright law and to the rights of ownership of the respectively registered owner. Mere mention alone does not allow for the conclusion to be drawn that trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties.

Unauthorised or improper use, notably of the Vlieseline, Vilene and Fliselina brands, is prohibited.


3. Disclaimer

Vlieseline assumes no guarantee whatsoever, neither expressly nor implied, for ensuring that the information made available on this website is correct, complete and/or up-to-date. This also applies to the contents and information provided by third parties (see Clause 4).

Vlieseline will not be held liable for damage caused directly or indirectly by the use or non-use of information offered and made available. This also applies to the contents and information provided by third parties (see Clause 4). Liability for consequential damage and loss of profits shall be excluded.

This website also contains hyperlinks to the websites of other providers.
Vlieseline has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design of these linked websites. The link itself likewise does not constitute any consent to the content of such third-party websites nor does it constitute Vlieseline’s approval of said websites. Vlieseline threfore assumes no responsibility for the contents, availability, correctness and/or accuracy of the linked websites, and nor does it accept responsibility for the offers, links and/or advertisements thereof.

The aforesaid exclusions from liability shall not apply in the event of injuries to life, body or health, nor shall they apply in the event of acts of wilful intent or gross negligence or within the scope of the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz).

These Terms of Use and the information provided on this website, including the documents provided for downloading, are revised from time to time and amendments duly made or supplements added; these amendments and/or supplements will be included in new publications of the Terms of Use and the documents. Vlieseline may make improvements and/or modifications to the information and documents provided at any time.

4. Dealer Section

This website offers users the opportunity to register as dealers of Vlieseline products. This gives dealers the opportunity to present themselves in the dealer search on offer to all users of the website, and to state the Vlieseline products offered and sold by them and to indicate their address and the opening times of their business premises. Listing goods other than Vlieseline products is not permitted.


Registration and user account

A user account is set up as part of the registration procedure. Dealer accounts are authorised and activated subsequent to examination by Vlieseline. There is however no entitlement to activation by Vlieseline. Dealers undertake to provide true information upon registration. Dealers themselves are responsible for maintaining secrecy concerning access data, and are liable for all the activities undertaken with the user data and for the information provided by them. Dealers shall undertake to duly notify Vlieseline without any delay should they gain knowledge of misuse of the user data by third parties.

Vlieseline shall be entitled to revoke a dealer’s access authorisation at any time by blocking the access data without needing to give reason, in particular if a dealer

  • has provided incorrect information upon registration,
  • has violated these terms or his due diligence obligations concerning the handling of the access data, or
  • has violated applicable law when accessing or using the website.
The data submitted and the user account shall be immediately deleted by Vlieseline upon request by a dealer.

It is furthermore the sole responsibility of dealers to update their user account data at all times.

Use of illustrations, images and PDF material

Illustrations (all the images and PDF material provided) in the dealer section are all the property of Vlieseline and may only be used for purposes of direct relevance to the sale and marketing of Vlieseline products. This also covers product presentations on the website and in the online shops and/or product catalogues of registered dealers. The granting of these rights of use may be revoked by Vlieseline at any time without giving any reason.


5. Legal Validity

This disclaimer is to be deemed a part of the website from which reference to this website was made. Should parts or individual wordings of this text not, no longer or not fully conform to currently valid legislation, the remaining parts of these Terms of Use shall remain unaffected hereby in terms of their content and validity.

About Vlieseline

For more than 75 years Vilene has become the essential interlining for all kinds of applications. Our Vilene products are the most famous and prestigious interlinings for those with a passion for sewing, for studios and for professional tailors/dressmakers.

Our high quality interlinings are the base for perfect and safe solutions.

Contact information

Freudenberg Performance Materials Apparel GmbH & Co. KG
69465 Weinheim

Hotline +49-6201 / 2721671
